Sunday, June 26, 2016

4 infallible signs to identify future problems in the relationship

4 infallible signs of unhealthy relationships

At the beginning of dating, everything is a bed of roses, it seems that every day love grows more and more. The passionate person believes that found the love of his life and will be together forever.

But the coexistence and time drop any mask, and that romantic movie turns into a horror movie. Love is no longer enough when disrespect, jealousy and other negative feelings come to control the relationship.

signs of unhealthy relationships

Why do people stay in destructive relationships

The problem is that negative aspects of the relationship are mixed the good moments lived memories or even mingle with what the person believes to be love, and she does not realize how bad is the situation we are living.

This confusion of feelings coupled with our psychic defense scheme, which bar any information that has an offensive emotional burden to the person, contributes to a relationship that is destructive, stay for years, and self-esteem, self-love and the joy of living will languishing along with the person.

In more extreme cases, we see this kind of relationship to end in tragedy. Therefore, knowing which aspects of a destructive relationship is essential to prevent the problem gets too far.

How to identify an unhealthy relationship

1. Humor and well-being

. Evaluate how you feel most of the time you are with the person. In a healthy relationship, people feel good to be with each other, although there are moments of conflict and even fights, most of the time the couple have fun together.

2. Self-esteem and security

What influence this person has on his opinion about yourself? This is a very important point. When we are with people who are good for us, they inspire us to have more confidence in ourselves, they inspire us to become better every day. If your partner makes you feel worthless, ugly, unmotivated or unable to do things, it is possible that something is wrong. That will be the time for you to reevaluate. Talk to the person and expose their feelings, see how it reacts, and from that reaction, decide whether the relationship should continue.

3. Altruism and respect

How is your independence? This is an issue that greatly contributes to the maintenance of destructive relationships, the person feels dependent on the other and feels alone can not survive. Yes you can have a life together, share things, but their independence must be built even in a relationship. I do not mean financial independence, but an emotional independence.

4. Trust and loyalty

. exaggerated jealousy is also a sign that something goes in the wrong direction, jealousy is natural, is part of being human, but when it becomes unhealthy is a sign that something is very wrong. Jealousy is unhealthy when it interferes in the person's life is the subject of this jealousy and also in life that you feel jealousy, because she can not sleep or work without calling every five minutes to the other and is extremely suspicious of everything and all. Seek professional help can help in more complex cases that suggest some pathology.

If you find yourself in such a relationship, this is the time to stop and talk to your partner and show him that you are unhappy and what changes are needed. I believe that everyone is entitled to a second chance, but keep in mind that there should be two, three, and fourth second chances. An attempt was made and nothing has changed, it is best to end the relationship before the worst happens. For a relationship to be healthy, you need to somehow inspire it both to become the best they can be.