Saturday, June 18, 2016

How to save marriage from divorce

How to save marriage from divorce

spend time together, share events and share space under the roof do not always make a successful marriage. But there are some strategies that can make the marriage last. The difficult times are the most likely to separate the couple, thinking about it, the ABC News website has drawn up a list of seven tips to save the relationship; see below.

Have good communication: The main ingredients for a successful relationship is communication skills, which allows the husband and wife know how to deal with routine conflicts. Over time, the couple learns to communicate and get along better, however, poor communication in marriage from the beginning can lead to divorce.

Share boredom though: The heat of passion goes away in the early years of marriage, but that does not mean that the romance to end. Couples who book a time to live interesting and challenging times have happier marriages. Making fun programs every week helps keep the relationship on foot.

Accept differences: The first years of marriage are relatively happy. But over time, the differences in relation to facts and conflicts begin to appear. The ideal is to make these constructive dicussões and not bring discord to a fight without end.

Keep mental health: Keep mental health is important for marital success. Anxiety or depression can end the marriage, according to a study published in 2004 in the Journal of Clinical and Consulting Psychology. Depression can reduce satisfaction with marriage guilt that assumes the healthy partner.

Limit support: By supporting partner is possibly common exaggerate. Sometimes, what matters is how is the support of your quantity and intensity. unwanted advice and unsuccessful ideas can harm the conjugal relationship.

Spend the holidays together: Couples who share vacation together can better structure the marriage. Rituals also help. Research has shown greater satisfaction when the family program for an annual party or when traveling during periods of rest.

Form a team: To recognize and celebrate the success of the spouse, because of a promotion at work or other things, can be more powerful than support you when things go wrong.

how to save a marriage from divorce tipsHow to save marriage from divorce