Sunday, June 19, 2016

Test your relationship

Test your relationship

Health Test your relationship

To die, just to be alive. To have relationship problems, just be in one.

Many couples who advise discover they have problems in the relationship as well as some people find that they have a deadly disease. A routine visit to the doctor, or to check the ratio of a little pain, eventually discovering that they have a serious illness at an advanced stage. And hear the doctor: "If it had detected this before, the treatment would be much simpler ..."

Many couples, when they least expect, find themselves in a crisis in the relationship.

Relationship problems are common, but not so easy to see when there is something more serious. It is essential to detect and deal with problems as soon as possible, not to get to the point where no return.

Here is a way for you to check the health of your relationship. If possible, do this test and then ask your partner (a) to do well. Hence, compare the answers (which will probably be very different). You may be surprised at the results.

Let the test:

Read the questions and write down your answers on a sheet of paper. Be very honest (a) the answers.

1. You can point personal weaknesses and concerns with your partner without fear of criticism, embarrassment, or judgment?
(A) Yes (b) Sometimes (c) No
2. Do you talk with each other about concerns related to money that affect the two?
(A) Yes (b) Sometimes (c) No
3. When you are upset or angry about something that your partner (a) does or does not do, it's easy to talk to her / him about it?
(A) Yes (b) Sometimes (c) No
4. Your partner (a) feel comfortable with the way you interact with friends of the opposite sex?
(A) Yes (b) Sometimes (c) No
5. Both are pleased with the way we are paying the bills and keeping track of your finances?
(A) Yes (b) Sometimes (c) No
6. You talk about important decisions and how they affect your relationship and family?
(A) Yes (b) Sometimes (c) No
7. Do you know what are the basic needs of your partner?
(A) Yes (b) Sometimes (c) No

Now, give the notes to their relationship:

10 points for each "a"
5 points for each "b"
0 points for each "c"

The perfect score is 70 points.

70: Excellent, but keep working on it. You never know what will happen tomorrow, or what types of stress will be placed in your relationship. Keep learning!

65-55: Good, but there are some areas that need improvement. If you do not address them quickly, the little problems will only increase.

50-40: Poor. Your marriage needs serious help. You probably need professional help in making healthy changes to eliminate negative habits already ingrained. It is possible that your parents and relatives have the same type of marriage. You need help now.

35 and below: Your relationship is on life support, in serious danger of life. There havoc in your relationship and one or both are behaving and making decisions based only on themselves. A serious re-evaluation has to be made. No doubt you and / or your partner have had one or more of the following problems that need to be addressed: unhealed wounds of the past, trust issues, unforgiveness, anger, insecurity and selfishness. Seek help immediately!