Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Breaking up with your Boyfriend - Advice To Finish With Your Boyfriend

Breaking up with your Boyfriend - Advice To Finish With Your Boyfriend

You were in love with him months before he finally decide to ask you out. You two were inseparable and you could not imagine living without it.

And now? Something has changed and you can not imagine life with him. Hard to believe, but you want to end the relationship that worked so hard to get you. So how exactly do you do to end up with a boyfriend diplomatically? This is our guide to do it step by step:

Breaking up with your Boyfriend

Breaking up with your Boyfriend

1. Make sure ... sure!

If you change your mind, you have no guarantee that he will want to get back with you. So you should be very sure that is what you want before you end the relationship. Is there anything in particular that does not make you happy in the relationship? Some problems have solutions, for example, you want to spend time with her friends. Other problems, such as irrational jealousy, are not so easy to solve. Once you figure out what's wrong, decide if you want to fix things or an end to the relationship.

2. Always have a plan

If you will end the relationship definitely, you have to give the news to her boyfriend. So plan how and when to tell him. If you are very angry with him (say, because it came a rumor that he kissed her friend), it is better to wait a few days until you regain calm.

3. Talk to him personally.

Although you can talk by phone or email, talk to him personally is more friendly and respectful. Invite him to a quiet place where no one will stop. Do not break up with him at a party or a crowded restaurant. Being part of a humiliating spectacle is just as well on television.

4. Speak the truth.

Be honest and direct. Say clearly that you want to end the relationship. Do not pass an ambiguous message that can give hope. Nor is it necessary to explain or blame him. Remember, it is a person for whom you have felt affection, and although now you think he's an idiot, basically he has feelings. All you need to say is: "This relationship no longer works for me and I need to move on." And then move on with your life!