Wednesday, June 15, 2016

7 ways to get over an ex, even if you are still in love with them

7 ways to get over an ex, even if you are still in love with them

Breakups are hard, are not they? You think about all the time you spent together? The good, the bad and the ugly. All the memories and experiences that you have established how many more years. You even talked about getting married and plans for the future ... the number of children, baby names and all that. And then it's all over ... just like that. Now all you can think about is the pain and suffering that you feel every day. I know you can relate to this story ... and you are not alone. There are many people experiencing a headache with no clue on how to overcome it. Do not worry. This article will help you get off your ass and bring it back to life ... literally. So here are seven tips or advice to help you recover after a nasty break up.

ways to get over an ex

cry, go ahead. Who said crying, especially after a breakup is for pussies is a big idiot. Here is a survey of Life hacker on crying benefits. Basically, it says that emotional tears helps to let go of the baggage and suffering end. Here is a quote from Dr. Judith Karloff, where she talks about the emotional tears and why it is good for you.

Crying makes us feel better, even when there is a problem. In addition to physical detoxification, emotional tears heal the heart. So let the tears roll. Give yourself time to grieve and heal properly. Let it Rain. No one will judge and even if they do, then that is your business.
Another thing you can do is to vent or speech. You have a friend or friend whose only job is to be your body movement to speech. Make sure that it is not someone who will hold it for you and make you feel worse.
Take it. Take it out of your system completely. This is the first step toward cure.

2. Take them out completely from your life

Remember when you told your ex, you can still be friends? This is garbage and it does not work. You broke up for a reason right? It did not work out when you were together, right? So what makes you think you can still be friends with her and that will work magically be fine.

3. Get rid of everything that reminds you of them.

This is really important now when there are so many online contact points. Remember it's all about having a new beginning. So take them Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, BBM, Skype, WhatsApp ... all of them.

4. Do something new
This may sound cliche or boring, but it really works. Here's why functional. Quango you are in a relationship, you barely have time for other things. Why? Because you spend all the free time you had with your partner. Now, suddenly, you have a lot of free time on your hands. Believe me, you need something to occupy your mind. Loneliness part is really complicated and it is the hardest part. This is the time when a lot of strange and crazy things happen after a breakup. Check out some crazy stories about what people have done after a bad do not want to be like those guys. So get something new to do. no matter how trivial or boring it may seem just do it. I do not have a list of things to suggest to you. just do a Google search and you will be flooded with the list. just you pick one and get it on.

5. paint it in a bad light

Now, before you jump on IG or Facebook and write a long post and detailed cursing his girlfriend out ... listen to me. Is not that what this time is otherwise causa. is something you do alone. No one has to hear or see what you escreveu. Eu call it Ex purification ritual. Remember when you were together, you have beautiful memories and experiences. You can still remember the way she smiles, smells and the exact way your butt looks in those jeans. With these beautiful memories, it will take a very long time to take it from their systems. Here's what you can do in your place. Think of all the negative qualities that she ever had and dwell on eles. example, she always made a funny sound when you laugh and hated. Or she had the constant habit of speaking always (I know right). The goal here is to take it from that pedestal you put it. When you do this, you begin to realize that it is human after all, and can be easily replaced.

6. Hit the gym and workout

No ... you're not going to get huge muscles and look like the Hulk. But exercise really helps, especially after a breakup. Here is an article by the daily burning of staff talking about the benefits of exercise after a breakup and here are 7 reasons why exercise is the cure for a broken heart.

To summarize here is what they said
• It helps you push the situations where you feel like giving up
• It gives you something productive to do
• It makes you look hotter ... really
• It releases endorphins that make you happy.
• Forces to take care of yourself.
• Besides, who knows you might just meet hot women in the gym

7. Remove and replace the emotional high that gave him

One thing about being in a relationship is that you have someone to talk to. And she knows you really well and praises. For example, she was the one who really understood you, you feel better. Or whenever you had a bad day at work, she was the only one who could lift your spirits. Or she was the one who really loved that red shirt that everyone hated. But you get my point right? She was the one who could give you your daily dose of emotional high.

Now, what you need to do is separate yourself these emotional peaks and replace them with. instead of waiting for it to be the person to give you your daily greetings, find something to do to replace them. For example, the exercise can be your source of new high emotional. Or write or meditate or something as simple as rewarding yourself. Whatever you need to replace it with new and get yourself back on track.

8. Look at the experience as a gift

Everything happens for a reason right? But probably you need to look at the experience as a learning experience. What are some of the positive things you've learned? Has that made you a better person?
He must have cos now you know what to do and what not to do. Do you have life lessons learned.
Take them to heart and be a better person


Getting over your ex is not easy. And it does not happen immediately
It is an ongoing process. It may take months to even years before you can be completely about the person. But one thing you have to know is that time heals. By following the points listed above, you should be on your way to get over your ex and start a new life.

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